A Formula for Burnout, A Formula for Peace: The Unnamed Factors Making You Love or Hate Your Job
Mental HealthAlexandria Art Therapy LLCburnout, work life balance, peace, job satisfaction, changing jobs, quitting your job, pandemic, responsibility, autonomy, control, anne helen petersen, emily nagoski
Self Care: Thinking Outside the Box
Coping Skills, Mental Health, Resources, Self CareAlexandria Art Therapy LLCself care, self care practice, Nicole Stamp, audre lorde, burnout, parenting, productivity culture, download
I Bring the Calm
Coping Skills, Mental Health, ParenthoodAlexandria Art Therapy LLCcalm, mottoes, mantras, affirmations, parenting, pandemic parenting, toddlers, values
Hobbies: Selling vs. Self-Care
Does Everything Happen for a Reason? Part 2: Lean Into Absurdity, Live a Happier Life
Does Everything Happen for a Reason? Part 1: Other Frameworks for Meaning-Making
Affirmations, If-firmations, & The Power of Curiosity
100 Ways to Self Soothe
Coping Skills, Mental Health, Resources, Self CareAlexandria Art Therapy LLCself soothing, self care, self care practice, micro self care, mindfulness, anxiety, anxiety support, nervous system, calm, stress, stress management, grounding, five senses, download